Irelia mid vs top - 2)in mid lane mages need mana they can't do much that early on to irelia and she can farm consistently.

1% higher than expected win rate of Ahri. . Irelia mid vs top

20 KhaledKun • 10 mo. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. 1% lower than expected win rate of Naafiri. 3m points and I still learn new ways to play her. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Irelia Top vs Katarina Middle Build & Runes. Shit, I cant even recommend Aftershock because Conq invalidates it. Irelia wins against Katarina 52. Irelia mid is a win lane lose game champion, people talk about how mid is easy cause is easier to get kills but you have to end the game fast cause every other midlaner will outscale you, irelia usually has better wr top than mid for a reason. Irelia Mid and Top Build Guide [S11] Blade of the Ruined King is your biggest core item, becouse it gives the perfect stats for Irelia (AD, Lifesteal, Attack speed). 1% more often than would be expected. You might also be missing too many e’s which could swing the fight in her favor. Irelia Counters Irelia Top vs Top Counters. Irelia Top vs Mordekaiser Top Build & Runes. 0% win rate against Malzahar in the Mid, which is 2. Tryndamere wants to constantly auto-attack the enemy and he becomes stronger when his fury bar is stacked. Irelia Top vs Lux Support Build & Runes. Irelia probuilds reimagined by U. Teemo vs Irelia Build Teemo Top vs Irelia Top Build & Runes. 06% higher against Cho'Gath than the average opponent. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build &. 0 7. Play mid and you get more map presence around minute 14 when you get the Triforce, a power spike. Top lane also has way more counters, Most mid lane matchups are pretty Irelia favored. After normalising both champions win rates Zed wins against Irelia 0. Irelia does a good job of countering LeBlanc. Veigar IMO is the hardest matchup. Its second passive is pretty good too, making your 3rd. Shorter lane means less distance to maneuver around minion waves. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. Irelia Top, Mid 42,042 matches ( Last 2 days ) Home > Runes > Irelia Overview Stats ProBuilds Matchups Runes Skills Items Summoner Spells Jungle Paths Irelia. Let her push, stack passive near your turret, hit her with E and just smack her stupid yordle face. I would fight 100 vladimirs rushing spirit visage and merc treads with a lulu on the side than fight irelia. Irelia wins against Vladimir 50. Irelia Top vs Pantheon Top Build & Runes. 1% lower than expected win rate of Yone. Normally, she wins a acceptable 51. The worst part of playing Irelia is when u get to play from behind, both when playing her top and mid. he dpes more damage more aa, he has fear negate mark and your q reset, ask for gank if you see opportunity. This is the best answer. Based on the analysis of 896 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. There is no fun playing Irelia mid. Notable items are Wit's End and Hexdrinker vs AP heavy comp, Botrk vs tank heavy. You can choose to pick her 3rd ability, Flawless Duet in certain matchups though to counter champions who can be overly aggressive at level 1. Based on our analysis of 51 054 matches, the best counters for Irelia Top are Warwick, Trundle, Olaf, Jax and Nasus. And finally, Irelia’s 2nd. That also means that the more you play and the more you practice the better you will play. Play mid if you are 100% you can get 3+ kills at 10 minutes and if you roam constantly since irelia needs to snowball. While being easier to execute, Irelia mid leaves your team at a disadvantage as they likely wont have a mage or assassin which are the traditional midlane. Magic_Red117 • 2 yr. People respect your powerspikes and understand how to play around Irelia's q-resets. Pick Rate. 83 % of the time which is 1. 33 24. 22 % less often than would be expected. While Irelia does have a higher winrate compared to Heimerdinger, when facing one another, Irelia also has a lower difficulty level that makes her a less complex champion to learn and. LoL 13. Im main irelia and i played her top and mid but i think she is better in midlane bcz i feel like it is the best role to impact the game and have better map control. 02 % of the time which is 3. 2 - Never ever fight Irelia with stacked passive, that shi increases her damage a lot. If you believe you can win by stomping your lane, ban tryndamere because of his crit and ult. If I don't have any specific needs, then yes, I think Titanic 3d is the best one. 22 % more often than would be expected. Irelia Top vs Yasuo Middle Build & Runes. Irelia top is a strong counter to Yorick, Jayce & Dr. 38 %. This means that Irelia is more likely to lose the game against Veigar than on average. Irelia Top vs Tristana Bottom Build & Runes. There's my 2 cents. 2 - Never ever fight Irelia with stacked passive, that shi increases her damage a lot. In League's current meta, Irelia usually fairs equally well when trying to fight Pantheon, with a 49. 12 % higher against Zed than the average opponent. Irelia wins against Pantheon 53. 03% more often than would be expected. 1% more likely to earn first blood. 5 stack irelia is pretty strong against many mid matchups. Aatrox is definitely easy. 22, Volibear has a 59. 9% win rate against Irelia in the Mid, which is 6. Irelia wins against Qiyana 51. Of all the runes players used for Yone vs. Based on our analysis of 47 110 matches in patch 13. For a good irelia the game plan is easy and unfortunately brutally efficient: 1. 26% of the time which is 2. Wait till level three and she never should win a trade. dash to minion to dodge his R. Washington D. Win Rate. Renekton Top. On the other hand, Irelia Top counters Yorick, Jayce, Varus, Gragas and Sion. 94% higher against Pantheon than the average opponent. This is Irelia 's main source of damage. IRELIA GUIDE - no dumb filler. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Cassiopeia 0. or someone with lots of hard cc that will let you get early kills. Add a Comment. In the game's current meta, Irelia usually wins when playing against Heimerdinger, with a 51. Irelia is so oppressive that anything level 2 or above is unplayable, much like Vel'Koz vs Irelia. 2% win rate against Vex in the Mid, which is 3. 5% more often than would be expected. Unfortunately, Irelia has done a poor job of countering Yasuo. 53% higher against Ahri than the average opponent. Never blind check against such champions but if the Lux follows you she basically gives up the range advantage you normally bypass with Q/E. Therefore, Irelia makes a good counter for Heimerdinger. I want to create a champ pool and have a champion that does decently well against irelia. LoL Patch 13. Champion WR Matches Guide Overall Average. 52% WR 354 games Malphite 54. So I recently played a game where even though I had immense pressure early I got killed to a nunu Hank and died with 0 kills. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Naafiri. Typically, she wins a lowly 46. Keep her at a distance. Irelia is pretty bad in the current top meta however she thrives against mages or squishy targets which is why i believe shes better mid. MID vs TOP. Irelia Runes. 22, Irelia has a winRateVsChampion win rate against championVsName in the Mid, which is winRateDiff lower than expected win rate of Irelia. On the other hand, Irelia Top counters Ahri, Jayce, Yorick, Quinn and Yone. In conclusion - Irelia is too hard for most average players to beat all toplane matchups and whereas being mid feels like 1v9, in most cases in the long run its not a good pick for. In fact, Yone boasted an average win rate of 49. Trundle Top vs Irelia Top Build & Runes. Irelia Top vs Pantheon Top Build & Runes. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Vladimir build & runes. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Viktor 0. But if you play her top lane you will. 14 % lower against Irelia than the average opponent. 2% when countering Irelia with these items. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. 2% win rate against Irelia in the Mid, which is 0. Our Stats Powered By. ANY JUNGLER WITH CC IS A GOOD SYNERGY. 40% higher against Katarina than the average opponent. 2% of games the champions clash against one another in. Also you must be aware of her passive-stacks, since that's the moment she will try to all-in you. 84% higher against Irelia than the average opponent. Irelia (Mid) - Items - League of Legends. Playing her mid you are denying your team an ap. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. Basically so basically you cannot counter a good Irelia after lvl 5 while she keep scaling with items. After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Irelia 1. Irelia is the easiest champion to stack the tear up, you won't regret it. Compare her E and Q cd compared to your major spells. In higher elo, Irelia has better WR top than MID which speaks for itself. just mid • 5 yr. Irelia can also be played in the mid-lane and jungle; make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! With Irelia Mid, the build and playstyle are the same. Irelia Top vs Naafiri Middle Build & Runes Irelia wins against Naafiri 69. The states in this region share similarit. Mid-morning is typically accepted as the midpoint between sunrise and noon, which can vary somewhat based on what season it is. The highest win rate and pick rate Irelia Runes. That also means that the more you play and the more you practice the better you will play. See which champion is the better pick with our Irelia vs Vladimir matchup statistics. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Lux. 46% higher against Akali than the average opponent. 8% WR 354 games Annie 54. Feel free to point out anything I may have missed :). Irelia is a Fighter/Assassin champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. 73% more often than would be expected. Mid-afternoon is not a precise measure of time but is rather a vague term to refer to the approximate middle of the time between 12 p. 20, Syndra has a 52. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Irelia in World Emerald +. 61% win rate in Emerald+ on Patch 13. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. rune shard helps with early CSing, making it great for all laners, including Irelia Mid. Just think of Ezrael and Aphelios. 2% of matches the champions clash against one another in. 1)top laners are more durable and have a lot more sustain. Based on the analysis of 1 031 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. Win Rate. Runes, skill order, and item path for Top. 26 % higher against Irelia than the average opponent. Hello, I am making this post to compare strengh and weaknesses of irelia mid and top. You might also be missing too many e’s which could swing the fight in her favor. Based on the analysis of 932 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. The mid matchups are easier for Irelia, but Irelia fits better into a team comp top lane. Win Rate. Irelia Top vs Mordekaiser Top Build & Runes. It’s more about the matchups and the playstyle of each roles. Irelia wins against Taliyah 51. In the first game of SKT T1 Telecom against KOO Tigers, Faker unveiled a very strange off-meta pick in the mid lane. 06 % Pick Rate. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. This means that Fizz is more likely to lose the game against Irelia than on average. Top is where you can be a little more skill expressive with the lane as you can pull off stunts like what ICU does. Irelia Top vs Mordekaiser Top Build & Runes. Play mid and you get more map presence around minute 14 when you get the Triforce, a power spike. Yasuo is. To have the highest likelihood of annihilating Vayne as Irelia, Irelia players should take the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight runes from the Precision and Inspiration rune sets. The worst part of playing Irelia is when u get to play from behind, both when playing her top and mid. 22, Yone has a 48. 3m points and I still learn new ways to play her. IRELIA TOP IS AN ABSOLUTE BEAST AS A TOPLANER (AMAZING PATCH) - S13 Irelia TOP Gameplay GuideLeague of Legends Season 13 Irelia Toplane Gameplay Guide!🥇Topl. 22, Yone has a 48. Irelia Build for Middle. Yasuo wins against Irelia 50. Irelia was made to be the anti ranged top laner so mid is basically her perfect place. In Irelia against Yasuo rounds, Irelia’s team is 0. 24 Win Rate 50. Irelia Counter for MidPatch 13. Watch Irelia obliterate Katarina in Korean Diamond! Highlights: Great player: 69% winrate on Irelia, 7 solo kills. 53% 47% Early Gold Lead +329g -329g Win Percent. 43 % of the time which is 1. It is usually the AD Carry but, the meta is changing so there might be 2 supports or a AP Carry. Based on the analysis of 2 233 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. Theres a reason why top irelia has a better win rate. Karmine Corp. If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. 44 % of the time which is 2. Wait till level three and she never should win a trade. Easy squishy 3v1 combo/tutorial: first target -- E + Q + W + ignite + autos if. 48% more often than would be expected. If he is lucky, he can outtrade and all in you at any level. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Zed 2. She is great at split pushing, dueling, and flanking, which is generally what top laners do. MoekindoSama • 2 yr. Irelia passive can be collected before fight or in the middle of fight by your abilities. Irelia_My_Soul • 2 yr. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. 3% win rate against Fizz in the Mid, which is 1. 5% more often than would be expected. In Irelia vs Vladimir rounds, Irelia’s team is 0. If you are a mid main, go mid, if you are a top main, go top. 2% of the time the champions clash against one another in. I mean if my opponent is decent, I. In Irelia versus Gangplank matches, Irelia’s side is 0. Mid-morning time is generally thought of as the hourlong period between 9 and 10 a. A lot of burst AP matchups are bad. Irelia wins against Viktor 52. If you max W, your laning phase and dueling will be weaker. If you believe you can win by stomping your lane, ban tryndamere because of his crit and ult. 4% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Irelia vs Yone in the Top Lane. 23 % Pick Rate 4. everytime i forget to ban irelia, i immediately get reminded to do so by being completely trashed. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Zed. 3 6. Irelia Counters Irelia Top vs Top Counters. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against. Name Gold diff @15; Warwick Top. 78 % more often than would be expected. LoL 13. 8 % less often than would be expected. 22 World. In Pantheon vs Irelia rounds, Pantheon’s side is 0. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Cho'Gath. Its second passive is pretty good too, making your 3rd. LoL 13. 0% more probable to obtain first blood, indicating that she probably will be able to get first blood against Irelia. 86,459 matches (Last 2 days ) Home > Champions stats > Irelia. In theory she should be better vs immobile, squishy, skill-shot reliant mages in Mid but I've felt that because of how short the lane is in order to kill anyone most of the time you have to dive them + the fact that you. Irelia can win against anyone in the mid lane but it also depends on the skill of both players. Irelia wins against Akali 52. For example I'm a diamond irelia otp currently at 1. 59 % more often than would be expected. BUILD STATISTICS. More Irelia Tips and Tricks:https://youtu. Yasuo wins against Irelia 50. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Irelia in World Emerald +. Based on the analysis of 1 042 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. If you have a jungler duo with you, there is nothing you should 100% ban, just personal preference. Pantheon vs Irelia Matchup Summary. And if irelia uses e. Mid you have more control over each lane as opposed to top and match ups are way easier. Sylas vs Irelia Mid. 4% win rate against Irelia in the Mid, which is 2. W 's channel cannot be interrupted by hard CC; only Irelia can end it early. I've been a top irelia otp for almost 3 years now, I know every matchup relatively well according to my elo (low plat) and recently I got tired of all those hard bruisers matchup in the toplane. 30% higher against Nasus than the average opponent. Ahri vs Irelia Mid. 24 Win Rate 50. 57 % of the time which is 0. The highest win rate and pick rate Irelia Build. And if irelia uses e. Pantheon has done a decent job of countering Irelia. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Riven build & runes against Irelia. Zed vs Irelia Build. While Irelia does have a lower win rate compared to Pantheon, when facing one another, Irelia also has a greater difficulty level that makes her a more complex champion to learn and master. Irelia Top Build, Runes & Counters. 22 % more often than would be expected. Based on the analysis of 875 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. 67% of the time which is 4. 37 % lower against Naafiri than the average opponent. Irelia vs Illaoi Build Irelia Top vs Illaoi Top Build & Runes. hatsune miku hentai

2% of the time the champions clash against one another in. . Irelia mid vs top

I would fight 100 vladimirs rushing spirit visage and merc treads with a lulu on the side than fight <b>irelia</b>. . Irelia mid vs top

8% of the time the champions battle each other in. This means that Irelia is more likely to lose the game against Annie than on average. Irelia vs Sylas Matchup Summary. Irelia Top vs Qiyana Middle Build & Runes. Mid is a far bigger role than top in terms of impact. 24 World Show All Rank Champion Win Rate ± Gold @15 ± XP @15 ± Kills @15 ± CS @15 ± Jun CS @15 Matches 1 Hwei 62. and Irelia will have better sustained damage. People will have no problem flexing Irelia counters @ mid. 53% of the time which is 3. 2% when countering Irelia with these items. Then do the classic all in. Cách lên đồ Irelia mùa 13 và bảng ngọc Irelia Top, Mid. If you max W, your laning phase and dueling will be weaker. The highest win rate Irelia build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Mid. Based on the analysis of 1 031 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. 4 % more often than would be expected. Irelia Top vs Yone Middle Build & Runes. Irelia wins against Tristana 49. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. 62 % more often than would be expected. 4% win rate with 3. I just recently picked up Irelia, because I needed another midlaner other than Talon. 1% lower than expected win rate of Irelia. [deleted] • 3 yr. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Pantheon. This means that Katarina is more likely to lose the game against Irelia than on average. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against. Mid is opposite, 1v1s are usually free but you’re very easy to camp as irellia, and high pressure jungles will abuse you if you don’t know where they are. He is a powerful duelist who has a similar strategy to Irelia. 1 - Irelia's main damage source is Autos and on-hit effects, so respect her space whenever your Shroud is on cooldown. never dive him. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build &. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Trundle. 22, Irelia has a winRateVsChampion win rate against championVsName in the Mid, which is winRateDiff lower than expected win rate of Irelia. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Naafiri. 62 % of the time which is 4. and Irelia will have better sustained damage. SCORE 78. In the ever-evolving world of mid-size SUVs, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. 22, Vex has a 53. The most commonly encountered champions Irelia counters against hardest top versus top is Yorick, Jayce & Yone. League of Legends Champions: A statistical breakdown of the Irelia vs Katarina matchup in the Middle Lane. Top, Mid. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion. Unfortunately, Irelia has done a poor job of countering Yasuo. Best build for Irelia. 4% winrate overall. Updated hourly. Top, Mid. Irelia vs Akali Build Irelia Top vs Akali Middle Build & Runes. In Pantheon vs Irelia rounds, Pantheon’s side is 0. She doesn't get punished much for mistakes which makes facing her in lane hell. More builds on Europeanbuilds. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. On average, she wins a lowly 47. Significantly harder to play from behind. 68% less often than would be expected. 1% more expected to earn first blood, implying that she probably will get first blood against Gangplank. Best build for Irelia. 1% of the time the champions fight one another in. Win Rate. The highest win rate Irelia builds, guides, tips, runes, items, skill order. I main both, but people who play irelia mid are donkeys, but use your w to dodge her e, If she is using q on a lot of minions then she is getting passive stacks, when she turns gold, you want to back off because her. Yasuo has done a good job of countering Irelia. Syndra vs Irelia Mid. 40% higher against Vex than the average opponent. Alacrity runes. Learn what runes to use, what items to bu. Irelia vs Illaoi Build Irelia Top vs Illaoi Top Build & Runes. All three of those champions are amazing (mid lane) for carrying and S tier in terms of power. With so many options available, it’s important to consider all the factors before making your purchase. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference,. Irelia wins against Ahri 53. Khi bạn đã biết những điểm yếu của Ire ở phía trên Phegame. 4% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Before anything, i will say: If you're a Mid main, you're better off Picking her Up Mid. On average, he wins a acceptable 51. 42,725 matches (Last 2 days ) Home > Runes > Irelia. 93 % of the time which is 1. Exactly stay in tower and only go for tp roams because walking lonely in the river might be dangerous because Irelia and Nunu are much stronger against you even though you fight with Evelynn. 22 Win Rate 50. Our Stats Powered By. I want to create a champ pool and have a champion that does decently well against irelia. Unfortunately, Sylas has done a below average job of countering Irelia. 9% in that phase. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Irelia build & runes against Katarina. Before anything, i will say: If you're a Mid main, you're better off Picking her Up Mid. After normalising both champions win rates Yasuo wins against Irelia 2. And you do need a lead, because Irelia has no in built armour pen or %hp damage so as soon as the enemy has tabis and wardens mail or bramble, your damage takes a swan dive off a cliff and never comes back. Irelia vs Ahri Build Irelia Top vs Ahri Middle Build & Runes. 75 % higher against Cassiopeia than the average opponent. 1% more probable to earn first blood. No one really counters her at all and the match ups are fairly easy. Irelia Top vs Yasuo Middle Build & Runes. Yasuo, for me, is open mid category. So irelia is one of the hardest champions due to the fact that she has an insane skill ceiling. Adaptive Force. If you are a mid main, go mid, if you are a top main, go top. Don't bother with Irelia yet if you're new honestly. Irelia mid Vs diana. This means that Dr. If you max W, your laning phase and dueling will be weaker. 50% higher against Irelia than the average opponent. Find your winning Irelia Pro Builds. 0% win rate against Irelia in the Mid, which is 1. Mid Fighters are just Yone/Yasuo, and Irelia does Good into Yone, bad into Yasuo. Pantheon vs Irelia Matchup Summary. On the other hand, Irelia Top counters Yorick, Jayce, Dr. 11/21 Riot ID and OP. With kayn the only tip I have is to ult to dodge her e or r. But if you play her top lane you will. This means that Naafiri is more likely to lose the game against Irelia than on average. There was a slightly higher number of votes for top than mid. So they're not as easy to 1 shot as mid laners. The highest win rate and pick rate Irelia Build. In the ever-evolving world of mid-size SUVs, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. She is arguably the best top laner or one of the best and the consensus is that she has better matchups in the mid lane. 88 % more often than would be expected. I main irelia and play her both mid and top equally. In the first game of SKT T1 Telecom against KOO Tigers, Faker unveiled a very strange off-meta pick in the mid lane. Irelia Matchups for Mid Patch 13. 20, Syndra has a 52. Irelia is annoying. 23 Win Rate 50. You still need to be cautious when picking Irelia into Yone. 2 9. Runes, skill order, and item path for Middle. 2)in mid lane mages need mana they can't do much that early on to irelia and she can farm consistently. Especially if she has a lead. Irelia runes. Codziennie analizujemy miliony gier w LoL, aby przygotować dla Was rankingi przywoływaczy, statystyki, umiejętności, buildy. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Teemo build & runes against Irelia. So they're not as easy to 1 shot as mid laners. Yasuo wins against Irelia 50. Irelia vs Zed Build. . guy sucks a cock, deanna dellacioppa coln net worth, augustskye, multiple key value pair in json, eliza ibarra porn, white settlement police officer killed, rv rental greensboro nc, graphic audio a court of silver flames, king county shed setback requirements, hypnopimp, crossdressing for bbc, craigs list baton rouge co8rr